My Boatshed


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Book viewings, make offers and save boat searches.

View your boats selling activity and performance reports.

Create a virtual 'watch' on boats you're interested in.

Earn up to 20% of the brokers commission

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Why Boatshed?

Register or login to access My Boatshed

Book viewings, make offers and save boat searches.

View your boats selling activity and performance reports.

Create a virtual 'watch' on boats you're interested in.

Earn up to 20% of the brokers commission

Manage your account.

Your free personal dashboard where you make offers and sell boats

Once registered you can view in real time activity and performance stats on boats you have for sale, create virtual watches for boats you are interested in, save boat searches, see boat viewing history and manage your account.

Personal Dashboard

Book viewings, make offers and save boat searches.

Owners Portal

View your boats selling activity and performance reports. Enter the next boat auction. Contact your broker.

Refer a boat

Earn up to 20% of the brokers commission

Manage your Account

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